XFigure is a program that constructs 'cross-figure' puzzles - just like crossword puzzles only all the solutions are numbers. It can generate various grid sizes containing clues of varying degrees of difficulty on many subjects. It can also construct 'number anagram' puzzles where you have to fit digits to a grid.
All the documentation for XFigure is in the Windows Help file in the package. If you have an incomplete package, you can either look for the full package on an on-line service or contact the publishers (details below) who will send you a disk for a small charge.
XFigure is shareware, which means you must pay for it if you find you keep on playing it - you may try it for 14 days before making your decision. All features are fully enabled in this version; we rely on YOUR honesty to stay in business producing low cost, good quality software. Print out ORDERNOW.WRI (a Windows Write file) for more details.
Thank-you for trying XFigure - we hope you enjoy it!